Pregnancy and Post-Partum
Helping you prepare for birth, address pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy, post-partum complications including diastasis recti, incontinence and pelvic pain, and giving you guidance back to your exercise goals after baby. Conditons treated include but not limited to:
Preparation for childbirth: perineal massage training, pelvic floor muscle training
Treatment for pelvic floor and girdle pain, groin pain, bladder and bowel issues
Pregnancy Related Pelvic Girdle Pain
Occurs in 20% pregnant women (Vleeming et al. 2008), and research suggests that sever pain can persist in 7% of cases for more than 2 years post-partum (Wu et al 2004).
This can have an adverse impact on the quality of life for a pregnant or post-partum woman.
Comprehensive evaluation for pelvic floor dysfunction and pelvic floor re-education
Treatment for painful scars
Treatment for bladder and bowel dysfunction
Treatment of low back, pelvic girdle pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome
Dyspareunia/pain with intercourse in the postpartum
Practical advice during the post-partum period
Home exercise program guidance for a safe return to exercise in the post-partum
Post-partum abdominal retraining, treatment advice for rectus divarification/diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles) - occurring in 60% of pregnant women.
Pelvic Organ Prolapse
A prolapse occurs when one, or a combination of the pelvic organs – uterus, bladder or bowel – lose their normal support and move out of position.
Symptoms Include:
Sensation of a ‘lump’ or ‘something coming down’
Pressure, heaviness or pain in the vagina
Difficulty with emptying the bladder or bowel
Needing to pass urine more frequently
Urinary incontinence or bowel incontinence
Repeated urinary infections
Discomfort during sexual intercourse​
Pessary Service
Do you experience discomfort or incontinence associated with pelvic organ prolapse?
A pessary can provide a conservative, non-surgical option to help reduce symptoms caused by a uterine, bladder or bowel prolapse.
A vaginal pessary is a device made of silicone that is inserted in the vagina to support and protect the vaginal tissues from pelvic organ prolapse.
It does this by keeping the pelvic organs and the pelvic floor muscles in an improved position that facilitates a better pelvic floor muscle contraction.
Pessaries are also used to prevent the progression of a prolapse and in certain cases will help relieve urinary and/or fecal incontinence.
Pessaries come in different shapes and sizes. A pelvic health physiotherapist with specialized training in pessary fitting is able to determine the best type and fit for you!
For more information about pelvic organ prolapse or pessaries for pelvic organ prolapse, check out my blog @
Now booking appointments for pessary fittings at Pelvic Plus Physio!
Pelvic Plus Physio - helping you find freedom in motion!
Vleeming A., Albert H. B., Ostgaard H. C., Sturesson B. & Surge B. (2008). European guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of pelvic girdle pain. European Spine Journal 17 (6), 794-819.
Wu W. H., Meijer O G., Uegaki K., et al. (2004) Pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PPP), I: terminology, clinical presentation, and prevelence. European Spine Journal 13 (7), 575-589.